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Wednesday, March 13


Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.
it is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation

In customer care the first thing is to know who are your customer and how many are they?
A customer is A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business.
The number of customers can best be extracted from created databases of customers

There are two categories or types of customer, those are;
Internal customers-are ones who are involved in process of providing products and services to the external customers "This means employees must be treated like customers especially in service oriented organization" 
External customers-these can be people or institution for whom organization exists, you deal with from outside documentation, they have a stake in organization or they consume the organization services or supply us with services.

A good service
If a real experience is greater than expectation this means The customer is satisfied

keep this in mind
   satisfied customers come back and say a positive word of mouth.
 Unsatisfied customers never come back and say a negative word of mouth. This means in whatever means try to catch up with feed-backs because are the one to improve your services.

"ask your self, Am i treating this person the way i would like to be treated myself..? "

Reasons of why customers leave; 
according to Institute of Management and entrepreneurship development (IMED) 
Reason                       Percentage
Death                           1%
Move                           3%
Develop other relation   5%
Poor product quality     14%
Find lower price            6%
Poor customer service   68%
Now you have a clear picture of how customer service is Important!

Tips of improving customer care to lead the market and raise sales;
1. Handling customers complaints (priority)
First we have to know why our customers complain..? Reasons for customer complaints are as follows;
a. lack of attention or being ignored
b. bad language, rudeness
c. lack of trust
d. dishonesty and insincerity
e. poor appearance
f. disrespectful
g. denial of responsibility
h. poor presentation
g. time wasting
i. lack of knowledge
How to handle those causes of complaints
a. ask questions and concentrate on listening
b. acknowledge the complaint or inconvenience "it is not your fault but it is your problem"
c. agree whenever possible
d. keep your promises

2. Be client-friendly - develop friendly relation with customers
3. Tolerant - tolerate all customers, including difficult customers
4. Services should be accessible
5.  make serving a duty not a favor
6. motivate willingness of employees to help customers
7. communicate effectively
8. learn to listen and show that your listening
9. security and sensitivity to confidentiality
10. equity,courtesy,charming,admirable,credibility,individuality and updating competencies.

1. customer is a most important person in our business
2. we are dependent on customer, h/she is not dependent on us
3. customer is not interruption of our work, s/he is the purpose of it
4. customer does us a favour when h/she calls
5. customer is part of our business
6. customer is not a cold static
7.customer is not someone to argue or match with
8.customer brings his/her wants, its our job to fill those wants
9. customer deserve courteous and attentive treatment
10. customer is lifeblood of organization

Wednesday, February 13

Monday, December 31


Description: 1
I am just using this opportunity to thank everyone
, I mean EVERYONE, who made 2012 a fabulous year...  Hope 2013 will be even better.

For all those I've made promises to and never kept –it was not deliberate but I will "improve" in 2013.
   Those that I owe lunches...., I’ll fix that as well, I’ll make time. For sure.

    For those that have supported me and made me smile through all my hardships... I salute you!

    For those I've disagreed with, argued with and just never got along with......well, I’m Sorry!!!!!!! Let’s try again next year.

   Those that I've hurt.....unintentionally/intentionally....I've already apologized "I'm Sorry" again...

   For those who stuck a knife in my back, the past is all forgotten.... forgiveness is the best revenge. MUST BE!!!  

     For those that have let me down.....oh well.... I should have known better.    

     All the true clients & prospects that I have: you ROCK! Awesome!

    Congratulations to all the new mommies & nursing fathers, newly weds, new grandpa/ma etc...,

But all in all, you have made 2012 a great year; I wish you and your loved ones prosperity, good health, wealth, happiness, greener pastures, abundant blessings and everything good on earth.


May 2013 be the year you'll achieve wonderful things in His guidance and strength.
·        I pray you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
·        I pray you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
·        I pray you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
 ·  May the joy and good tidings of the festive season be showered upon you and your loved ones.  


Sunday, November 4

Best Quotes

1. “No matter where you are in life right now, no matter who you are, no matter how old you are – it is never too late to be who you are meant to be.” – Esther & Jerry Hicks
2. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs
3. “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”
 –Henry Ford
4. Let me go, let it go lather than price me low”
- Tibba Gulayi
5. Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
 - - Frank Outlaw
6. “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.”
 –Albert Einstein
7. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
 - Unknown
8. We were born and created to enjoy life, enjoy it to the fullest. As long as we are conscious and concerned about other peoples struggle and trouble, we have all the rights on the earth and in heaven above to be happy and enjoy life. Life doesn't have to be gloom”-Martin Godwin
9. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
10. “Quit is the best solution for problems to poverty”
-Edwin Gulayi 
11. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell
12. “Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn
“It doesn't matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” ~ Bob Proctor
13. “We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.” – Robin Sharma
14. “You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.” – Zig Ziglar
15. “I don't believe in luck. Luck = Leaving things to chance and outside world. I believe in being harbingers of our fate, taking action and creating our own path and destiny in life. Your life is yours to create – Don’t let others do it for you.” – Celestine Chua

Thursday, November 1

Power of Thoughts

Every effect or anything that happens must be caused by something, that the effect must always be come before the cause. ”Dr. LISA TURNER”

Thought generally refers to any mental or intellectual activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness. It can refer either act or process of thinking or resulting ideas or arrangements of ideas

The better thoughts, better critical and creative thinking as well as innovation ‘Sir. EDWIN GULAYI’

Thoughts are the one causes us to take actions, which these actions lead to success, but if these thoughts are poorly developed may lead to failure

People tend to use one part of brain concerning logic and reason, forgetting other side which concerns creativity and innovation rooted by great thoughts.

The more you run your thoughts may lead to 
· Many solutions of problems
· Perfect brainstorming
· Do useful things you never do
· Develops your creativity and innovation

We all know that the uniqueness of a person makes a person. Uniqueness came from creativity and innovation, at same time we know creativity and innovation is a result of perfect thoughts. Therefore thoughts make you, lets make it short that Thoughts makes a man

Here I try to make some tips on areas to develop/build thoughts
  • Accepting your self
  • Overcoming fear
  •  Practice
  •  Generating new things and ways of doing things
  •  Learning
Try to run your brain to try to run your thoughts to success or failure.

Do not restrict your thoughts by
o Thought the same continuously
o Narrowing or use little time on thoughts
o Eating unhealthy diet
o Not taking rest

All secret solutions are within personal thoughts

Thursday, October 11


       Critical thinking is the ability to solve problems through the use of reasoning. It is useful for many activities in everyday life including:
      Choosing which courses to study, or college,
      Deciding how to spend your time
      Choosing friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, life partners, etc
      Evaluating advertising claims,
      Fixing a defective item,
      Creating a budget,
      Deciding whether or not someone can be trusted.
       For any idea/options try to answer:
      Why is the decision important?
      What other options are there?
      Why do you choose this option?
      What are the weak points?
      What do you like about it?
      What do you dislike about it?
      What will be the consequences?
      What is the evidence?
      Which are the facts, and which are opinions?
      What more do you need to know?
      What would change your mind?
      How can I find out

       Creativity Coming up with something new
      New Idea:
       Ways of using the same thing
      New or modified product or service
      A new or modified way of doing something
       Serving customers
Principles of Creative Thinking
  1. There is no exact solution to a problem, but there is always more than one solution to it
  2. Avoid false beliefs. If you believe you cant find a solution, then you will never find one.
  3. Don’t restrict your thoughts, a silly idea can lead you to much better one
4.  Break free from the routine at least while thinking for the solution – jog, stare, play
5.  Brainstorming - two unacceptable ideas from your friends can lead you to a third acceptable idea.
6.   Every now and then do something that you have never done before
7. Try to have some free time every now and then
8. Mingle with creative people, try and see how creative you are in comparison to those people.
9. Don’t be too afraid of making mistakes; rather always take them as learning opportunities
10. Have some private space and lots of fresh air when thinking of a solution to get the brain to its best. Spending time in open spaces can help you become more creative- sea side, natural sights.
How to restrict your creativity
       Do jobs that require you to do the same exact tasks everyday reduce creativity. Having a desk job 
       Work with strict time tables.
       Working in closed areas, little space, no air
       Don’t experiment by trying out new things or new ways of doing things
       Stick with non creative people
       Unhealthy diet (chips, oils, insufficient water, vitamins)

Tuesday, September 18


It is possible to start with nothing
 Never think about being average but higher level investor
If you invest in stocks you are investing in a business, if you buy a piece of real such as an apartment building, that building is also a business. If you buy a bond, you are also investing in a business
To be a good investor you first need to be good at business
·         The best way to invest is for you to have your business, buy your investments for you.
·         The worst way to invest is for you to invest to invest as individual. Remember business is a person and you’re the second person.
Investing means different things to different people
Most people are not investors; most people are speculators and gamblers.
Most people have the buy, hold and pray the price goes up mentality. Most investors live in hopes that the market stays up and live in fear of market crashing. A true investor makes money regardless if they are winning or losing, and they go both long and short. The average investor does not know to do that and that’s why most are average investors who fail into the 90% that makes only 10% of the money
Preparing mind to become rich investor is simplest phase but very important. Not only here but in most of things.


·         What you should invest in is in your own ability, I mean financial status.
·         Can you invest with riches? The answer is NO YOU CAN’T. Because rich get richer this mostly probably of investment proportionally. There are barriers in investment  details such as minimum amount of investing


A person poses the 3E’s which are;
1.       Education –financial education
2.       Experience –in controlling the finance or wealth, in short life experience
3.       Excessive  cash
You can have a Excessive cash but when you miss the Education and Experience definitely you will lose them all. Here am talking about being rich and maintaining wealth.
·         Thinking of who to becoming later
·         Thinking of the path
·         The choice considering
1.       Secure
2.       Comfort
3.       Rich
Most people dream of becoming rich, but it is not their first choice. Most people become rich disturbs their comforts or makes them feel insecure, they will forsake becoming rich. People who make security and comfort their first and second choices look for ways to get rich quick that are easy, risk free, and comfortable. A few people do get rich on one lucky investment, but all too often lose it all again.
·         Investing is a plan not product or procedure
1.       Take your  time, even if it’s a week
2.       Ask yourself what you want in life
3.       Don't talk to anyone for a while, atheist you know what you think you want.
4.       Call financial advisor , me or even online they are there
·         Find your own plan first by taking action. Being calling an advisor, set realistic goals, goals will change as you change….but stick to the plan."Robert Kiyosaki"

Saturday, September 15


Let yourself be positive. Thinking positively would mean letting go of appearing and become serious, intellectual, intelligent. Far from it, you discover a sense of lightness and freedom from the yoke of criticism, which in turn you will free up your thinking prowess like never before. Start to challenge all your negative thoughts and Replace them with positive thoughts. Once you're feeling confident that you can spot and challenge negative thoughts then start the positive vocabularies and enjoy positivity life.

Positivity Life vocabularies.
1.     Plant positive thoughts into your mind deliberately.
2.     Find the good events in life, people and things around you, all of the time.
3.     Focus on finding more good things in your life.
4.     Recognize challenging situations and people as opportunities rather than as setbacks.
5.     Tell yourself that the future is filled with possibilities and the potential for good things.
6.     Focus your realization that Negative thinking is often an excuse to stay and be creative and let yourself fall deep into the flow of positivity.
7.     Consider taking up meditation as a way to center yourself and learn excellent focus. Meditate every day for 10 to 20 minutes; at a time that's convenient for you, you will increase your awareness of self and the present and the future too.
8.     Set meaningful goals, no matter how impossible they may seem at the moment. Keep yourself busy working on them, throw yourself into reaching them and believe in the cause you've set for yourself. Once you reach the first goal, you will be inspired to continue with the remaining goals, as well as adding new ones. With each goal achieved, no matter how small, you will gain confidence and your self-esteem will increase, feeding more positivity in your life. And in general, have a plan for your life––where you want to go.
9.     Stay physically fit and eat healthily. These are important foundations for a positive outlook.
10.                         Thinking with a NOTE. Understand, being positive obviously doesn't mean that nothing bad will happen. Rather, it means that when something bad does happen, you think of how to turn it into something good or think of things in a positive or constructive way. Another word for this approach is "resiliency", whereby you are able to deal with negative events in your life in a way that allows you not to bounce back.

Prepared by Gulayi Tibba (President PTT +255 766 606162)


Wednesday, September 5


1 Carlos Slim Helu & family $69 B 72 telecom Mexico 2 Bill Gates $61 B 56 Microsoft United States 3 Warren Buffett $44 B 81 Berkshire Hathaway United States 4 Bernard Arnault $41 B 63 LVMH France 5 Amancio Ortega $37.5 B 75 Zara Spain 6 Larry Ellison $36 B 67 Oracle United States 7 Eike Batista $30 B 55 mining, oil Brazil 8 Stefan Persson $26 B 64 H&M Sweden 9 Li Ka-shing $25.5 B 83 diversified Hong Kong 10 Karl Albrecht $25.4 B 92 Aldi Germany 11 Christy Walton & family $25.3 B 57 Wal-Mart United States 12 Charles Koch $25 B 76 diversified United States 12 David Koch $25 B 71 diversified United States 14 Sheldon Adelson $24.9 B 78 casinos United States 15 Liliane Bettencourt $24 B 89 L'Oreal France 16 Jim Walton $23.7 B 64 Wal-Mart United States 17 Alice Walton $23.3 B 62 Wal-Mart United States 18 S. Robson Walton $23.1 B 68 Wal-Mart United States 19 Mukesh Ambani $22.3 B 54 petrochemicals, oil & gas India 20 Michael Bloomberg $22 B 70 Bloomberg LP United States 21 Lakshmi Mittal $20.7 B 61 steel India 22 George Soros $20 B 81 hedge funds United States 23 Michele Ferrero & family $19 B 85 chocolates Italy 24 Sergey Brin $18.7 B 38 Google United States 24 Larry Page $18.7 B 39 Google United States 26 Jeff Bezos $18.4 B 48 United States 27 Thomas & Raymond Kwok & family $18.3 B 0 real estate Hong Kong 28 Alisher Usmanov $18.1 B 58 steel, telecom, investments Russia 29 Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud $18 B 57 investments Saudi Arabia 29 Lee Shau Kee $18 B 84 diversified Hong Kong 29 Georgina Rinehart $18 B 58 Mining Australia 32 Berthold & Theo Jr. Albrecht $17.8 B 0 Aldi, Trader Joe's Germany 32 Iris Fontbona & family $17.8 B 69 mining Chile 34 Michael Otto & family $17.6 B 68 retail, real estate Germany 35 David Thomson & family $17.5 B 54 media Canada 35 Mark Zuckerberg $17.5 B 27 Facebook United States 37 Ricardo Salinas Pliego & family $17.4 B 56 retail, media Mexico 38 Alberto Bailleres Gonzalez & family $16.5 B 80 mining Mexico 39 Rinat Akhmetov $16 B 45 steel, coal Ukraine 39 Cheng Yu-tung $16 B 86 diversified Hong Kong 41 Michael Dell $15.9 B 47 Dell United States 41 Vladimir Lisin $15.9 B 55 steel, transport Russia 41 Azim Premji $15.9 B 66 software India 44 Steve Ballmer $15.7 B 56 Microsoft United States 45 Alexey Mordashov $15.3 B 46 steel, investments Russia 46 Vladimir Potanin $14.5 B 51 metals Russia 47 Phil Knight $14.4 B 74 Nike United States 48 Paul Allen $14.2 B 59 Microsoft, investments United States 48 German Larrea Mota Velasco & family $14.2 B 58 mining Mexico 50 Carl Icahn $14 B 76 leveraged buyouts United States 50 Birgit Rausing & family $14 B 88 packaging Sweden 52 Forrest Mars Jr $13.8 B 80 candy United States 52 Jacqueline Mars $13.8 B 72 candy United States 52 John Mars $13.8 B 75 candy United States 52 Joseph Safra $13.8 B 73 banking Brazil 56 Vagit Alekperov $13.5 B 61 Lukoil Russia 57 Mikhail Fridman $13.4 B 47 oil, banking, telecom Russia 58 Mikhail Prokhorov $13.2 B 46 investments Russia 59 Susanne Klatten $13 B 49 BMW, pharmaceuticals Germany 59 Francois Pinault & family $13 B 75 retail France 61 Mohammed Al Amoudi $12.5 B 67 oil, diversified Saudi Arabia 61 Anne Cox Chambers $12.5 B 92 media United States 61 John Paulson $12.5 B 56 hedge funds United States 64 Robert Kuok $12.4 B 88 diversified Malaysia 64 Luis Carlos Sarmiento $12.4 B 79 banking Colombia 64 Viktor Vekselberg $12.4 B 54 oil, metals Russia 67 Antonio Ermirio de Moraes & family $12.2 B 83 diversified Brazil 68 Roman Abramovich $12.1 B 45 steel, investments Russia 69 Donald Bren $12 B 79 real estate United States 69 Jorge Paulo Lemann $12 B 72 beer Brazil 69 Ronald Perelman $12 B 69 leveraged buyouts United States 72 Len Blavatnik $11.9 B 54 diversified United States 72 Leonid Mikhelson $11.9 B 56 gas, chemicals Russia 74 Leonardo Del Vecchio $11.5 B 76 eyewear Italy 75 John Fredriksen $11.3 B 67 shipping Cyprus 76 Aliko Dangote $11.2 B 54 sugar, flour, cement Nigeria 76 Stefan Quandt $11.2 B 45 BMW Germany 78 Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor & family $11 B 60 real estate United Kingdom 78 Harold Hamm $11 B 66 oil & gas United States 80 Savitri Jindal & family $10.9 B 62 steel India 81 Andrey Melnichenko $10.8 B 40 coal, fertilizers Russia 82 James Simons $10.7 B 73 hedge funds United States 83 Ernesto Bertarelli & family $10.6 B 46 biotech, investments Switzerland 84 Jack Taylor & family $10.4 B 89 Enterprise Rent-A-Car United States 85 Abigail Johnson $10.3 B 50 Fidelity United States 86 Robin Li $10.2 B 43 Technology China 86 Eliodoro, Bernardo & Patricia Matte $10.2 B 0 paper Chile 88 Ray Dalio $10 B 62 hedge funds United States 88 George Kaiser $10 B 69 oil & gas, banking United States 88 Johanna Quandt $10 B 85 BMW Germany 88 Hans Rausing $10 B 86 packaging Sweden 88 Tadashi Yanai & family $10 B 63 retail Japan 93 Serge Dassault & family $9.9 B 86 aviation France 93 Ananda Krishnan $9.9 B 73 telecoms Malaysia 95 Klaus-Michael Kuhne $9.8 B 74 shipping Germany 96 Pallonji Mistry $9.7 B 82 construction Ireland 97 Alejandro Santo Domingo Davila $9.5 B 35 beer Colombia 98 Horst Paulmann & family $9.3 B 77 retail Chile 99 Gennady Timchenko $9.1 B 59 oil & gas Russia 100 Laurene Powell Jobs & family $9 B 48 Apple, Disney United States


Tanzania has been spared the internal strife that has blighted many African states. Though it remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with many of its people living below the World Bank poverty line, it has had some success in wooing donors and investors. Tanzania assumed its present form in 1964 after a merger between the mainland Tanganyika and the island of Zanzibar, which had become independent the previous year. Unlike many African countries, whose potential wealth contrasted with their actual poverty, Tanzania had few exportable minerals and a primitive agricultural system. To remedy this, its first president, Julius Nyerere, issued the 1967 Arusha Declaration, which called for self-reliance through the creation of cooperative farm villages and the nationalisation of factories, plantations, banks and private companies. Continue reading the main story At a glance Politics: Tanzania has enjoyed stability. Multi-party politics was introduced in 1992 Economy: Annual growth rate has averaged 6.7% since 2006, one of the best in sub-Sahara Africa. Power supplies are erratic and fall short of demand. Gold earnings have been rising International: Tanzania hosts thousands of refugees from conflict in the neighbouring Great Lakes region Environment: Experts fear a planned highway threatens the Serengeti game park, Tanzania's biggest draw for tourism Country profiles compiled by BBC Monitoring
But a decade later, despite financial and technical aid from the World Bank and sympathetic countries, this programme had completely failed due to inefficiency, corruption, resistance from peasants and the rise in the price of imported petroleum. Tanzania's economic woes were compounded in 1979 and 1981 by a costly military intervention to overthrow President Idi Amin of Uganda. After Mr Nyerere's resignation in 1985, his successor, Ali Hassan Mwinyi, attempted to raise productivity and attract foreign investment and loans by dismantling government control of the economy. This policy continued under Benjamin Mkapa, who was elected president in 1995. The economy grew, though at the price of painful fiscal reforms. Tourism is an important revenue earner; Tanzania's attractions include Africa's highest mountain, Kilimanjaro,
and wildlife-rich national parks such as the Serengeti. The political union between Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania has weathered more than four decades of change. Zanzibar has its own parliament and president.

Most file sharers are monitired

Anyone using BitTorrent to grab the latest movie or music release without paying for it will be on a blacklist, a study suggests. Piracy moves to private networks The business and politics of piracy""

FBI denies leak of Apple codes

The FBI says there is "no evidence" that a hacker group gained access to 12 million identifying codes for Apple devices through their agent's laptop. Pastebin to police hackers' posts Lifting the lid on Anti-Sec

Tuesday, September 4

Tragedy of Omayra Sanchez

Frank Fournier captured the tragic image of Omayra Sanchez trapped in mud and collapsed buildings. The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia 1985 triggered a massive mudslide. It devastated towns and killed 25,000 people. After 3 days of struggling, Omayra died due to hypothermia and gangrene. Her tragic death accentuated the failure of officials to respond quickly and save the victims of Colombia’s worst ever natural disaster. Frank Fournier took this photo shortly before Omayra died. Her agonizing death was followed live on TV by hundreds of millions of people around the world and started a major controversy. May her soul rest in peace…

Shortest man world record: It’s official! Chandra Bahadur Dangi is smallest adult of all time

Guinness World Records can today confirm that Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal is the world's new Shortest Living Man, measuring 54.6cm (21.5 in). Chandra is 5.3 cm shorter than Junrey Balawing of the Philippines, who measures 59.9cm (23.5 in) and was crowned world's shortest man on his 18th birthday last June.
The confirmed measurement also makes Chandra the shortest adult human to ever have their height verified by Guinness World Records, beating a benchmark set by Gul Mohammed, (New Delhi, India, 1957-1997) who measured 57 cm (22.5 in). Upon the invitation of Mr Chandra, Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief, Craig Glenday, flew from London to Kathmandu to perform an official measurement at the CIWEC Clinic Travel Medicine Center in Lainchaur. In accordance with Guinness World Records guidelines, Chandra was measured three times in 24 hours and his height confirmed to be 54.6 cm (21.5 in).
Chandra claims to be 72 years of age and weighs 14.5kg. He has spent his entire life in the remote Nepalese mountain village of Rhimkholi, about 250 miles west of Kathmandu. He lives there with his five brothers (all of an average height) and makes his living weaving traditional Nepalese garments. Chandra's home is so remote that it wasn't until recently that he gained attention; a forest contractor cutting timber in the village met him and informed local media. Until now, Chandra's stature has been a burden; acutely aware of the difficulties of fitting into an average-sized world. However he is hopeful that the new title will see a change in his fortunes. "I'm very happy that I'm being recognized by Guinness World Records and that my name will be written in book. It's a big thing for my family, my village and my country. I am very happy. Chandra's condition has never been diagnosed, as he has never received a checkup from a doctor. It is hoped however that the exposure he receives from as a result of his new record will lead to medical advice and support.
Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief, Craig Glenday, said: "I'm continually amazed that this record keeps getting broken. Just when you think it's impossible for the record to get any smaller, Mr Chandra comes along and astonishes us all by being the shortest person ever measured. What I find equally remarkable is his age - if he really is 72, he is by far the oldest person to be awarded the shortest-man record in Guinness World Record's 57-year history." Craig continued: "Our job is to measure and record what happens in the world as a document for history. Mr Chandra has probably encountered difficulties with his size but hopefully this new title will open up a whole world of opportunities." Mr Chandra and his family plan to start a charity in his name to support him and his village. He says: "I will use this to make my country proud."

Monday, September 3

How Someone Suffer At Iringa Region


This nation is world wide known as peacefull country as well as a nation governed by constitution, the above picture shows bad image in our beloved country TANZANIA. The person was beat up in Iringa region,it is not approved by the goverment that he was currently a journalist at Chanel ten. The tittle doesn't matter but what matter is human rights and life of the person with concern to his familly

Lil Wayne

Rapper, songwriter. Born Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. on September 27, 1982, in New Orleans, Louisiana. One of today's most talented rappers, Lil Wayne has been creating rhymes since he was a child. He grew up in Hollygrove, one of New Orleans's poorest neighborhoods. At the age of eight, Wayne started rapping. He later met brothers Bryan and Slim Williams, the founders of Cash Money Records, who were impressed enough with his skills to give him one of their business cards. Ambitious, Wayne kept calling them until they took him under their wings and let him hang around the label's offices. Lil Wayne's first recording for Cash Money Records was True Stories (1993), performing with another skilled rapper B.G. under the name the BGs. Away from the studios, he was living dangerously. He sold crack for a time, and accidentally shot himself in the chest, according to an article in Rolling Stone. "It was my mom's gun" he told the magazine in 2008. "It was like a chopper hit me. But the bullet went straight through, and I bounced back in two weeks."
NAME: Lil Wayne OCCUPATION: Rapper BIRTH DATE: September 27, 1982 (Age: 29) EDUCATION: Lafayette Elementary School in New Orleans, Eleanor McMain Secondary School in New Orleans PLACE OF BIRTH: New Orleans, Louisiana more about Wayne Best Known For Complete with a bad-boy persona and multitudes of tattoos, canny rapper and producer Lil Wayne has found mega-success on the hip-hop and pop charts Born on September 27, 1982 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Dwayne M. Carter, Jr. initially joined the teen rap group The Hot Boys as Lil Wayne before going solo. He parlayed mix tape buzz to multi-platinum sales for his studio album releases, and as such has had big radio hits like "A Milli" and "Lollipop," appeared on songs by Destiny's Child, Chris Brown and Erykah Badu, and won several Grammys.

Miss World 2012

The mostly Chinese audience erupted in cheers when it was announced that the home candidate, Yu Wenxia, had been awarded the title. Explaining during the final why she should win the Miss World title, Yu said: “When I was young I felt very lucky because so many people helped me, and I hope in the future I can help more children to feel lucky.” Last year’s Miss World — Ivian Sarcos of Venezuela — handed over her crown in the futuristic Dongsheng stadium in the northeastern city of Ordos. A total of 116 contestants, the highest number ever, took to the stage during the contest, watched annually by about a billion people around the globe. Ordos, around 700 kilometres (440 miles) from the nearest beach, is an unusual venue for the world’s biggest beauty pageant. Besides the traditional swimsuits and evening gowns, participants also donned outlandish costumes, with some dressed as belly dancers. The beauty queens have been in China rehearsing for nearly a month, soaking up traditional Mongolian culture by churning yoghurt in a nomad’s yurt and donning local attire to climb a sand dune. The city, which has a vast town square dedicated to the mighty Mongolian warrior Genghis Khan, has grown rich over the last decade on the back of a coal mining boom that has transformed it from a sandstorm-afflicted backwater into one of the wealthiest places in China. The boom triggered a frenzy of building in the city, but the local government has been unable to fill the vast tower blocks that have sprung up, earning it the title of China’s biggest ghost town. Enthusiastic competitors seemed unfazed, expressing optimism that with the help of the pageant, the city could leave that reputation behind and take its place alongside other global centres of glitz and glamour. “Ordos could be the next Dubai,” said Marielle Wilkie, representing the Caribbean nation of Barbados. Albanian contestant Floriana Garo chimed in with her own bold prediction. “In ten years, this city will be booming,” she said. Architecture in Ordos — where the city museum is shaped like an undulating blob — is “world class”, added Markysa O’Loughlin, representing St. Kitts and Nevis, also in the Caribbean. Bookmakers had tipped Miss Mexico, 20-year-old Mariana Reynoso, for the crown, but Miss China was also seen as a leading contender along with Miss Nepal. While the popularity of the contest, first held in 1951, has waned in the West, continued interest in Asian countries ensures that the final rakes in a huge global television audience. Sweden’s Kiki Hakansson was the first Miss World, while Oscar-winning US actress Halle Berry was a finalist in 1986 and Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai took the crown in 1994. Venezuela has produced the most Miss Worlds, with six winners, while India and Britain claim five titles each. China has already hosted the competition five times, most recently in 2010 on the tropical southern island of Hainan. "Says "