it is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation
In customer care the first thing is to know who are your customer and how many are they?
A customer is A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business.
The number of customers can best be extracted from created databases of customers
There are two categories or types of customer, those are;
Internal customers-are ones who are involved in process of providing products and services to the external customers "This means employees must be treated like customers especially in service oriented organization"
External customers-these can be people or institution for whom organization exists, you deal with from outside documentation, they have a stake in organization or they consume the organization services or supply us with services.
A good service
If a real experience is greater than expectation this means The customer is satisfied
keep this in mind
satisfied customers come back and say a positive word of mouth.
Unsatisfied customers never come back and say a negative word of mouth. This means in whatever means try to catch up with feed-backs because are the one to improve your services.
"ask your self, Am i treating this person the way i would like to be treated myself..? "
Reasons of why customers leave;
according to Institute of Management and entrepreneurship development (IMED)
Reason Percentage
Death 1%
Move 3%
Develop other relation 5%
Poor product quality 14%
Find lower price 6%
Poor customer service 68%
Now you have a clear picture of how customer service is Important!
Tips of improving customer care to lead the market and raise sales;
1. Handling customers complaints (priority)
First we have to know why our customers complain..? Reasons for customer complaints are as follows;
a. lack of attention or being ignored
b. bad language, rudeness
c. lack of trust
d. dishonesty and insincerity
e. poor appearance
f. disrespectful
g. denial of responsibility
h. poor presentation
g. time wasting
i. lack of knowledge
How to handle those causes of complaints
a. ask questions and concentrate on listening
b. acknowledge the complaint or inconvenience "it is not your fault but it is your problem"
c. agree whenever possible
d. keep your promises
2. Be client-friendly - develop friendly relation with customers
3. Tolerant - tolerate all customers, including difficult customers
4. Services should be accessible
5. make serving a duty not a favor
6. motivate willingness of employees to help customers
7. communicate effectively
8. learn to listen and show that your listening
9. security and sensitivity to confidentiality
10. equity,courtesy,charming,admirable,credibility,individuality and updating competencies.
1. customer is a most important person in our business
2. we are dependent on customer, h/she is not dependent on us
3. customer is not interruption of our work, s/he is the purpose of it
4. customer does us a favour when h/she calls
5. customer is part of our business
6. customer is not a cold static
7.customer is not someone to argue or match with
8.customer brings his/her wants, its our job to fill those wants
9. customer deserve courteous and attentive treatment
10. customer is lifeblood of organization
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